Welcome. I’m here, and I’m glad you are, too. I’m Tricia Joy, lover of all things real: kindness, humor, story-telling, creativity, imperfection, God, honesty, cuss words, and a heck of a lot of and silliness.
All in Mental Health
I don’t particularly like the experience of shopping at the grocery store.
Although I am a complete maniac for a good deal, clothes shopping from store to store for longer than the length of two Mickey Mouse Clubhouse episodes exhausts my thinker.
Don't get me started on tourist shacks set up to bait you into agonizing over which trinket, as a parent who occasionally says yes to fun, to get ripped off by: a beanie baby horseshoe crab, an hour glass key chain, or a flimsy mood ring.
Amazon’s fine, I guess, but honestly I’m not sure my credit card can handle much more of it.
I hate it when the stuff of my exterior life does not match the stuff of my interior life, and visa versa. When one is not communicating to the other very well, getting all the words wrong in a botched game of telephone, it’s confusing and disorienting.
I slashed through the cardboard with a serrated knife, because, like everything else in my life, my kitchen shears were misplaced.
Let me tell you, if you wonder how sure of yourself you are, attempting to monetize yourself and your gifts after being out of the game for a bit will bring the mirror right up to your scraggly face and say, “Not so sure of yourself after all, huh?”
When I was a kid, nobody could really figure out what my dad did with the majority of his time. He seemed to move around the house looking somewhat laboriously engaged but at the end of the day he often had nothing to show for it and yet somehow appearing as though he desperately needed a nap.
I feel like life for me over the past decade has basically been this: me scurrying around scooping up my marbles, then losing them again. Scoop em up, lose em again. Scoop, lose, scoop, lose.
Your brain won’t work, which is challenging enough. But then your mind goes berserk. Meanwhile, life doesn’t stop to accommodate your below-baseline functioning. Read on to discover the five things I do during periods when both my ADHD and Anxiety flare up to annoyingly debilitating proportions.
The honest to goodness truth is that I was sorely in need of this bold refresher: Life is in the business of building flexibility in us.
I don’t twiddle my pencil. I’m not hyper. I don’t engage in reckless behaviors. I am a full-grown woman. And, yes, I have ADHD. It took me…
They always wanna share your creative stuff. This shouldn’t surprise us since the selfish little bastards by nature always think everything is about them. That Walgreens bag you’r…
#5. It tightens when I’m not at ease. Of course, this happens when all muscles are under some sort of siege... a brace-myself moment of in-balance on a…
“Where you go in your mind?” I was on my belly, my cheeks snug against the massage table’s doughnut pillow, my muscles getting nudged this way and that, when the gal doing the m…
I’m gonna be real with ya. I go in and out of periods of wellness like it’s going out of style. And while I’ve never much cared for the hob…
I don’t particularly like the experience of shopping at the grocery store. Although I am a complete maniac for a good deal, clothes shopping fro…
Those little make-your-own popsicle plastic handles should each have a tracking device. I was all pumped about our koolaid popsicles. EVERYBODY remembers the nos…
Even my can opener isn't working. Sorta like my brain. I'm standing in my kitchen in a moment of alone, all children in the care of others, school, or a crib. Prepping din…
I won't bore you with the minutia of details surrounding the cable snafu we had back in the Fall. To sum up, it went something like this: Call to report internet is do…
Hi. I just typed up three pieces of paper I have folded in half and jammed into my morning devotional book (Jesus Calling by Sarah Young, by the way). Their corners are crea…